
The Legend of Sampuraga



Once upon a time in Padang Bolak, North Sumatra, there lived a boy named Sampuraga. He lives with his mother. His father had died when he was little. Sampuraga and his mother lived in a hut. Their life is very poor. Sampuraga worked in his neighbor's rice field. When they harvested, the neighbors gave Sampuraga some money for his work. Sampuraga worked in the morning and came home in the afternoon.

One day when he was working, his neighbor told him about a place called Mandailing. It's a very nice place. The land is very fertile. There are many rich people there. Sampuraga listened to his neighbors carefully. He really wanted to go to Mandailing to become a rich man.

Then he told his mother about his plan. His mother was very sad. He didn't want to lose his only child. But Sampuraga promised that he would come home and bring him a lot of money. Finally Sampuraga went to Mandailing. There, he worked with a very wealthy merchant. The merchant liked Sampuraga because he was diligent and honest. Not long after, the merchant gave Sampuraga a lot of money. He wanted Sampuraga to have his own business. Sampuraga is successful with its new business. He is very rich. The merchant knew that Sampuraga could become a great merchant like him. The merchant wanted to retire and hand over his business to Sampuraga. He has a plan. He wanted Sampuraga to marry his daughter. Sampuraga agreed. After all, she fell in love with him. The merchant's daughter was very beautiful. Then the merchant gave a great wedding feast. He invited many people. He wants to throw the best wedding party for his daughter.

People started talking about the party. They talk about the big feast and the merchant's daughter. They say Sampuraga is very lucky. He will marry the prettiest girl in Mandailing. The news of Sampuraga's wedding finally reached his city, Padang Bolak. The people there could hardly believe that Sampuraga would marry the merchant's daughter. They also did not believe that Sampuraga could become a rich man. However, his mother believed.

“I believe my son is a rich man now. He had promised me that he would become a rich man,” said Sampuraga's mother.

With great happiness, he went to Mandailing. He wanted to attend his son's wedding. When he arrived at the party, Sampuraga's mother immediately called her son.

"Sampuraga... Sampuraga... This is mother... This is mother, son,"

Sampuraga was surprised. His wife was also surprised.

"Who is my husband? Is it your mother?" asked Sampuraga's wife.

"No! My mother is dead. This woman is not my mother. Go!" Sampuraga shouted at his mother.

His mother was crying. He was so sad. He knew that Sampuraga was proud to meet him. He kept crying. Then he prayed to God to punish him. Suddenly, it rained heavily. Thunder strikes the place. People fled to save themselves. Soon, the party turned into a large pool. The water is hot. Around the pond there is a large rock. Looks like a cow. There are also other ruins. People say, those rocks and ruins.

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