
The Legend of Desa Sungai Jernih



Once upon a time in West Sumatra, a mother of two children brought her child to a party. Her children, a son and a daughter, were very happy. They wore beautiful clothes to the party, they found delicious food, and saw many guests at the party. The children were very happy at that time.
There are also traditional music performances. The show was very crowded with people. The children asked their mother if they could see the live music a few meters away from the party

“Yes, you two may go there. But remember, don't go too far," said the mother.

The children ran towards the stage where the musical performance was shown. They enjoy the music. But they got tired of just watching the show, so they took a walk around the stage.

They forgot their mother's message not to go too far. Suddenly, they saw a pond. The water is very clear and fresh. Because the sun was very hot, they were interested in playing in the water. So, they took off their clothes and jumped into the water. They swim together happily. The water tastes so fresh! Meanwhile, the party is almost over. The mother remembered her two children. He felt so hopeless that he couldn't find them. Day turned to night, and the children were still nowhere to be found.

The mother was always crying incessantly. He came home without his children. After that he fell asleep after hours of crying. And he dreams about his children. In his dream, he met an old woman. The old woman told where her son was,

“Your kids are in the pool near the party house. If you want to see it, throw a handful of rice into the pond. Your children will appear.”

As soon as he woke up, he quickly ran to the pond. He also carried a handful of rice in his hand.

When he reached the pond, he threw the rice into the pond and he called out the names of his children. Turns out the dream was true! Two big fish with beautiful colors appeared in the pond. The mother cried when she saw them. Her children turned into beautiful big fish because they disobeyed their mother's message. The mother wept bitterly. Everyone in the village cheered him on. But the sadness still doesn't go away. The village where the pond is located is now called Sungai Jernih Village. It is called that because the water in the pond is very clear.

Sungai Jernih Village is located in the northern part of Nagari Baso, in Agam Regency, West Sumatra. The name of the village also reminds people in West Sumatra today of the importance of serving their parents. Today, villagers come to the pond because they consider it a sacred place.

Read : The Story of Wa Lancar
